Live Online – Aging & Homelessness Part 1


9:00 am - 4:00 pm


Bookings closed

Event Type

The number of Older Homeless Adults in Toronto is said to have doubled since 2009.  Sadly, it is not uncommon to find homeless people who are 80 or even 90 years old.  In fact, expert opinion advises that homeless individuals age at a faster rate than those who are housed.  For Older Adults in general, there are many myths and ageist attitudes that complicate their well-being. For Homeless Older Adults, these challenges and misunderstandings are even more complicated. This workshop is the first of two on Homeless Older Adults.  In it, participants will learn about the physical, mental, emotional, and, social, changes and challenges faced by all Older Adults and by Homeless Older Adults in particular.  The connection between age-related changes and challenges on Mental Health and Addictions will be considered.  The impact of Ageism on Older Homeless Adults will be a focus.  Participants will be encouraged to examine their own beliefs and attitudes about Aging and consider how they can become advocates for, and allies to, Older Homeless Adults.  Participants will reflect on their own agencies and consider ways in which they can best meet the needs of Older Homeless Adults.

  • You must be prompt for the course – any time missed will result in certificate not being issued.
  • This training is interactive, all attendees are required to participate.
  • Upon successful completion, a certificate of attendance will be issued.

Target Group: All

Additional Training Method: Agency Training

Total Cost: THTC Members Pay: $80.00 | Non-Members Pay: $90.00

Learning Objectives:

After the workshop, participants will:

  • Understand the normal aging process.
  • Understand how the aging process affects homeless individuals.
  • Understand the intersection of aging and mental health and addictions.
  • Understand the impact of ageism on both older adults and older homeless adults.
  • Consider how their agencies can adapt to best serve older homeless adults.


REGISTRATIONS ARE CLOSED FOR THIS PROGRAM - THTC DOES NOT MAINTAIN A WAITLIST or CANCELLATION LIST. Please refer to the training calendar for future availability.